전기공사 이야기


전기약어사전(Electrical Abbreviation)



1. 전기약어사전

ABB - Air Blast Circuit Breaker (공기차단기)

AC - Alternating Current (교류)

ACB - Air Circuit Breaker (기중차단기)

ACSR - Aluminum Cable Steel Reinforced (강심알루미늄연선)

AGC - Automatic Generation Control (자동발전제어)

ALD - Automatic Load Dispatching (자동급전)

ALGOL - Algorithmic Language (알골)

ANSI - American National Standards Institute (미국국가규격협회)

ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange (미국정보교환 표준코오드)

AVR - Automatic Voltage Regulator (자동전압조정기)


BCD - Binary Coded Decimal (2진화2진법)

BCPD - Bushing Capacitance Potential Device (붓싱형 전압변성기)

BCT - Bushing-type Current Transformer (붓싱형 변류기)

BIL - Basic Impulse Level (기준충격절연강도)

BPD - Bushing-type Potential Device (붓싱형 계기용 변압기)

BS - British Standards

BWG - Birmingham Iron Wire Gauge (버밍함의 전신규격표준)



CB - Circuit Breaker (차단기)

CCITT - [Comite Consultatif International Telegraphigue et Telephonegue]

International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Cominittee (국제전신전화자문위원회)

CCPD - Coupling Capacitance Potential Device (콘덴서형 계기용변압기)

CCT - Compensating Current Transformer (보상용변류기)

CF - Coupling Filter (결합여파기)

CFO - Critical Flashover (임계섬락)

CIE - [Commission Internationale de 1'Eclairage]

International Commission on Illumination (국제조명위원회)

CIGRE - [Conference Internationale des Grandes Reseaux E'lectriques a Haute Tension]

Intenational Conference on Large High Voltage Electric systems (국제전력기술회의)

COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language (코오볼)

CONACS - Conitel Acquisition & Control System

COS - Cut Out Switch

CPD - Capacitor Potential Device

CPU : Central Processing Unit (중앙처리장치)

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube

CS - Change-over Switch (절체스위치)

CS - Control Switch (제어(조작)스위치)

CT - Current Transformer (변류기)

CTD - Condenser Trip Device (콘덴서 트립장치)

CVCF - Constant Voltage & Constant Frequency (정전압 정주파수장치)


DC - Direct Current (직류)

DCR - Differential Current Relay (전류차동계전기)

DOCGR - Directional Over Current Ground Relay (지락방향과전류계전기)

DS - Disconnecting Switch (단로기)


EDPS - Electronic Date Processing System (전자자료처리시스템)

ELD - Economic Load Dispatching (경제부하배분)

ESDD - Equivalent Salt Deposit Density (등가염분부착량)


FA - Foreed Air (강제통풍)

FDS - Fused Disconnecting Switch (휴즈부 단로기)

FOA - Forced Open Air (강제통풍방식)

FORTAN - Formula Translator (포트란)


GD - Ground Detector (접지검정기)

GPT - Grounding Potential Transformer (접지변성기)

GTD - Ground Trip Device (접지고장검출장치)


HDCC - Hard Drawnd Copper Cable


IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency (국제원자력기관)

IAU - International Astronomical (국제원자력기관)

ICS - Indicating type Contaction Switch (동작표시기)

ICSU - International Council of Scientific Unions (국제학술연합회의)

IEA - International Energy Agency (국제에너지기관)

IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission (국제전기표준회의)

IEE - Institute of Electrical Engineera(UK) (영국전기학회)

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(US) (미국전기전자학회)

IEEJ - Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (일본전기학회)

IERE - Institute of Electric Research Exchange (전기사업연구국제협력기구)

IFRB - International Frequency Registration Board (국제주파수등록위원회)

IIF - Indicating type Instantaneous Trip ((순시) 동작표시기)

IR - Induction regulator (유도전압조정기)

ITU - International Telecommunication Union (국제전기통신연합회)


JEC - Japanese Electrotechnical Committee (일본전기규격조사회)

JISC - Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (일본공업표준조사회)


KEA - Korea Electric Association (대한전기협회)

KIEE - Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (대한전기학회)

KIEE - Korean Institute of Electronics Engineers (대한전자공학회)

KSA - Korean Standards Association (한국공업표준협회)


LA - Lightning Arrester (피뢰기)

LDC - Line Drop Compensator (선로전압강하보상기)

LFOR - Lightning Flashover Rate (뇌섬락사고율)

LS - Line Switch (개폐기)

LSI - Large Scale Integration (대규모집적)


MBB - Magnetic Blast Circuit Breaker

MCM - Million Circuit Mil

MIS - Management Information System (경영정보시스템)

MOF - Metering Out Fit

MTA - Maximum Torque Angle (최대감도위상각)

MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure (평균고장시간)

MTTR : Mean Time To Repair (평균고장수리시간격)


NLTC - No Load Tap Changer (무부하전압조정기)


OA - Open Aire (자냉식)

OCGR - Over Current Ground Relay (과전류지락계전기)

OCR - Over Current Relay (과전류계전기)

OCED - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (경제협력개발기구)

OLTC - on Load Tap Changer (부하시전압조정기)

OPCB - Oil Pour Circuit Breaker

OS - Oil Switch

OT - Oil of Transformer

OVGR - Over Voltage Ground Relay (과전압지락계전기)

OVR - Over Voltage Relay (과전압계전기)


PC - Peterson Coil

PD - Potential Device

PF - Power Factor (역율)

PI - Position Indicator (위치표시기)

PT - Potential Transformer (계기용변압기)

PW - Pilot Wire


RC - Rotary Converter (회전변류기)

RC - Ratary Condenser (동기조상기)

RCF - Ratio Correction Factor (비보정계수)

RPM - Revolution Per Minute

RTD - Resistance Temperature Detector

RTU - Remote Terminal Unit (원격단말장치)


SC - Static Condenser (정전축전기(콘덴서))

SCADA - Supervisory Control & Acquisition System (감시제어 및 자료취득시스템)

SD - ACSR : Self Damping Aluminum Cable Steel Reinforced

SECR - Society of Electrical Cooperative Research (전기협동연구회)

SEE - Societe des Electriciens, de Electroniciens et des Radioelectriciens (불란서전기전자통신학회)

SFFO - Shielding Failure Flashover (차폐실패섬락)

SIL - Surge Impedance Loading

SL - Signal Lamp (신호(표시)등)

SOV - Switching Over Voltage (개폐과전압)

S/S - Substation (변전소)

SSFOR - Switching Surge Flashover Rate Trip Coil (개폐충격전압섬락사고율)


TC - Trip Coil

TL - Transmission line (송전선로)


UCR - Under Current Relay (부족전류계전기)

UFR - Under Frequency Relay (저주파수계전기)

UVR - Under Voltage Relay (부족전압계전기)


VCB - Vacuum Circuit Breaker (진공차단기)

VDE - Verband Deutscher Elektrtechniker (독일전기학회)

VIT - Vacuum Interrupter Tube (진공스윗치관)


ZCT - Zero-sequence Current Transformer (영상변류기)




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